

Hosted by The Rev'd Sarah West and The Rev'd Richard Bonifant, this podcast reflects the kaupapa, experiences and learnings of the Ordinary Saints community, a collective of Anglicans in their 20s and 30s in the Diocese of Auckland, New Zealand.

From liturgy, contemplation and sacramentality, to art, creativity and theological discourse, episodes explore what it might mean for young people to embrace a faith that is both ancient and timeless.

We are committed to being a safe space for those at the centre of church life, those on the margins, and anyone in between. We celebrate theological exploration and faith as a journey infused with mystery. We are grounded in the contemplative and sacramental rhythms of the Anglican tradition, recognising that our faith formation shapes our way of being in the world. We embrace the arts as a medium for story-telling, prophetic witness, and worship as we wrestle with what it means to be followers of Christ in Aotearoa and our world today.